Employment/Labour Law
Employment/labour law is legislation specifying responsibilities and rights in employment, particularly the responsibilities of the employer and the rights of the employee.
At Warsame Law, we offer employment-related services, both as collective labour relations and as an individual employment relationship on the basis of an employment contract, appointment, selection, or a cooperative employment contract.
Our team of legal professionals at Warsame Law can provide you with full scope services in the area of labour law, including:
- Consulting on matters in the area of labour relations:
On this front our team shall assist you in:
- Establishing internal regulations, remuneration policy, labour safety regulations, code of ethics, other internal employer’s acts.
- Developing/negotiating the collective agreement.
- Interaction with trade labour unions.
- Establishing and termination of employment relations with personnel.
- Concluding contracts with top management, including CEOs and Directors.
- Processing of employees’ personal data.
- Intellectual Property rights of employees and employers.
- Cross-border assignments of employees.
- Civil relations vs labour relations.
- Outsourcing, provision of personnel to/by third parties.
- Labour safety.
- Support with regard to labour and social security audits:
In this areas our team shall provide you with:
- Legal health-check before the state audit to ensure compliance with the law.
- Individual HR-compliance training for key personnel to be prepared for the audit.
- On-going support during the audit by controlling authorities.
- Challenging results of the audit in higher bodies and court.
- Performing health-check of the existing documentation:
With regards to this area, our team at Warsame Law shall provide you with unrivalled assistance in:
- Verifying compliance of existing HR documents with the requirements of the law.
- Amending/improving the existing HR documents.
- Developing full-scope HR administration documents.
- Assisting with labour disputes resolution:
On this matter our team at Warsame Law shall provide you with:
- Identifying preconditions for potential labour conflicts, advising on possible preventive measures.
- Mediation, assistance in negotiation processes with employees.
- Supporting employers in court proceedings in courts of all instances.
- Drafting required documentation:
Our team will assist you in:
- Labour agreements with personnel.
- Labour contracts with top management.
- Collective agreement.
- Internal labour regulations.
- Labour remuneration policy.
- Labour safety regulations and instructions.
- Code of ethics.
- Other internal policies/regulations.
- Internal HR documents (orders, applications, etc.).
furthermore, Warsame Law provides clients with the following services:
- Advising clients on employment matters
- Representing clients in employment litigation
- Advising foreign employees on getting entry visas, residence and work permits
Make a Free Enquiry
For more information relating to all matters on Employment/labour law, please call us on +252617006415
E-mail: info@warsamelaw.so