Corporate/Commercial Law

Warsame Law has good experience in advising companies on:

  • All corporate legal processes to ensure the legality of their commercial transactions.
  • Advising and protecting companies on anticipated legal risks.
  • Advising companies on their legal rights and duties.
  • Setting up company policies and procedures.
  • Managing company contracts including employment contracts, legal reports, and documents.

We effectively cooperate with our employment lawyers and in house tax advisers to ensure that all deals for our clients are structured efficiently.

Warsame Law provides advice to directors of companies in different business  areas such as corporate governance, disputes arsing from employment, separation and termination of contracts.

Our team of highly experienced lawyers can maximize the interests and benefits of our clients. Our experienced, multidisciplinary intellectual property and corporate lawyers have worked together on deals and in litigation to protect our client’s intellectual property rights. The team at Warsame Law can deal with legal matters involving complex business transactions. Warsame Law has extensive experience in every aspect of corporate law.

We advise our clients on aspects of corporate law including:

  • Public company matters; operation and compliance
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Disputes arising from employment.

furthermore, Warsame Law legal services relating to corporate include the following: 

  • Company formation: Drafting the constitution and by law, publishing constitution and by law in Official Bulletin, company registration, registration of intellectual properties and trademarks, guiding start ups and small business in becoming structured companies.
  • Company management: Provision of legal advice in management, drafting convocations for meetings, assisting companies in commercial and civil transactions, assisting companies in debt collection, providing companies with legal advice in employment contracts and human resource management, preparation of joint venture agreements, providing companies with legal advice in corporate governance and compliance with provisions of Sharia as well as existing laws.
  • Merger and acquisition (M&A): Advising and representing clients during the negotiation phase of the M&A, assisting clients in the preparation of the memorandum of understanding (MOU), assisting clients during the due diligence phase of the M&A, preparing the M&A concluding contract as well as other important contracts.
  • Legal documents checks: Review the regularity, compliance and coherence of clients’ business documentation, advising clients on required book keeping.
  • Investment: Advising clients on investment matters including its channelling and procedures, assisting foreign workers on immigration issues including granting entry visa, residence permit etc., assisting foreign workers on granting work permit, assisting clients on issues relating to taxation.
  • Banking and finance: Providing hawla, banking and financial institutions with relevant legal advice, assisting them on compliance with Shaira and current laws.
  • Procurement: Advising companies and interested individuals on procurement methods and proceedings. Provide clients with legal advice on procurement disputes and complaints and represent them before competent courts.

Make a Free Enquiry

For more information relating to all matters on corporate law, please call us on +252617006415


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